Parallel session C4: Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions 1
- Johann Zmeskal (Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics)
We measured \pi\Sigma invariant mass spectra below and above the KbarN mass threshold in the K-d -> N\pi\Sigma in order to study the KbarN interaction and the Lambda(1405) resonance. For this purpose, a negatively-charged kaon (K^-) beam of 1 GeV/c was irradiated on a deuterium target at the K1.8BR beam line in the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. In the experiment, a nucleon (N: neutron...
While various theoretical studies have been performed for the excited $\Xi(1620)$ state, its nature was not well understood due to the lack of experimental data. Recently, new experimental results on $\Xi(1620)$ were reported.In 2019, Belle collaboration observed the invariant mass distribution of the $\pi\Xi$ system in the $\Xi_c\rightarrow\pi\pi\Xi$ decay [1].By fitting the invariant mass...
Kaonic atoms are exotic atoms formed when a negatively charged kaon (K$^{-}$), stopped in a target, is captured by the atomic system, replacing the electron in a highly excited level. The captured K$^{-}$ starts an electromagnetic cascade down to the more internal levels of the atom. Approaching the innermost levels of the exotic atom, the kaon-nucleons strong interaction produces an energy...
Hyperons are a unique probe to study the non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction. At HADES they are produced in proton or pion induced reactions at a few GeV. The detector has recently been extended with a forward detector featuring straw tube trackers developed for the PANDA experiment and a time of flight detector, extending the acceptance for hyperon channels at forward angles....
Within the framework of the quark model, hyperon states are composed of "u" (up) and "d" (down) "s" (strange) quarks. However, there are also competing models describing excited hyperons as dynamically generated by meson- baryon interactions. Prominent examples are Λ(1520) [1] and Λ(1405) [2]. In order to discriminate between models, it is helpful to measure hadronic decays, e.g. Λ(1520) →...