May 17 – 20, 2021
online via ZOOM
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Heavy quark masses and their impact on the muon g-2

May 19, 2021, 6:25 PM
online via ZOOM

online via ZOOM


Pere Masjuan (The Institute for High Energy Physics Barcelona)


A determination of the heavy quark masses from combinations of QCD sum rules of the moments of the vector current correlator calculated in perturbative QCD are presented. Only experimental data for the resonance below the continuum threshold are needed in our approach, while the continuum contribution is determined by requiring self-consistency between various sum rules and the zeroth moment. As soon as the charm-quark and bottom-quark masses are determined, their individual impact on the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization contribution to the muon g-2 is also provided.

Primary authors

Pere Masjuan (The Institute for High Energy Physics Barcelona) Jens Erler Hubert Spiesberger

Presentation materials