Parallel Session C3: In-medium and strangeness
- Piotr Salabura (Jagiellonian University)
Electroproduction of hypernuclei is an object of interest. The experiments carried out at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (USA) provide an accurate measurement of the cross section in electroproduction of hypernuclei. I will provide basic ideas of theory that describes the process in impulse approximation. Issues will be discussed, such as kinematics, calculating kaon...
New models for photo- and electroproduction of kaons on the proton were constructed [1,2,3] utilizing new experimental data from LEPS, GRAAL, and particularly CLAS collaborations. The higher spin nucleon (spin-3/2 and spin-5/2) and hyperon (spin-3/2) resonances were included using a consistent formalism and they were found to play an important role in the data description. In these analyses,...
Recently the HADES Collaboration published the data on strangeness
production in the medium-abundant Au+Au system at the deeply subthreshold
beam energy of 1.23A GeV [1]. The conditions in this system provide a
sensitive testing ground for the description of the strangeness dynamics.
Therefore, several transport approaches were compared to the data,
including IQMD, (P)HSD and UrQMD [1,2],...